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Public-images-osm logo.svg political_division = NL:kamerkieskring
Stembiljet 2.jpg
Electoral circumscription (kieskring) in the Netherlands for the election of the House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer)
Group: boundaries
Used on these elements
should not be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasmay be used on relations
See also
Status: in use

Kieskring (electoral circumscription) used for the elections of the Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives) in the Netherlands. The term kamerkieskring is used to distinguish from the statenkieskringen used for the elections of the provinciale staten (provincial councils), see political_division=NL:statenkieskring.

The kamerkieskringen are also used for elections of European Parliament, but without the possibility of separate candidate lists. The Netherlands as a whole form a single constituency for European Parliament.

The kamerkieskringen are not used for the indirect election of the Eerste Kamer (Senate). Instead, each European provincie (province) and each Caribbean openbaar lichaam (public entity) is one kieskring, with special voting weights.

How to map

  • Kieskringen are always groups of either gemeenten (municipalities) or openbare lichamen, so political_division=NL:kamerkieskring is only used on relation relations, never on way ways.
  • Each kieskring is conventionally referred to by number, with the name of the gemeente (municipality) or openbaar lichaam hosting the hoofdstembureau indicated between parentheses. This is also how the kieskring is indicated on the voting form (see image on the right). In provincies that also have statenkieskringen, adapt the name tags to avoid confusion between kamerkieskringen and statenkieskringen.
  • ref=*: the number of the kieskring.
  • Role admin_centre: the place where the hoofdstembureau is.
  • Role subarea: any statenkieskring within this kamerkieskring, in case the provincie is divided in statenkieskringen (it is not legally possible for statenkieskringen to transcend kamerkieskring boundaries).

Overview of kieskringen

See Kingdom of the Netherlands for a full list of the kieskringen relations in OpenStreetMap.

Overview of the 19 kamerkieskringen in the European Netherlands (20th is Caribbean Netherlands). Beware: boundaries in this picture are outdated.